On Wednesday, April 24th, 2024, we recognize the importance of Denim Day. It is a day observed worldwide in solidarity with victims of sexual violence. Denim Day began as a visual means of protest after the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because a victim wore tight jeans at the time of the assault.
According to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Denim Day is “the longest-running sexual violence prevention and education campaign, Denim Day asks people to wear jeans as a visible way to highlight misconceptions surrounding sexual violence.” (doi.gov)
Misconceptions about sexual assault and victim-blaming contribute to the harmful narratives that exist in our society today. A person's clothes should never be used as an excuse to dismiss the abusive and non-consensual behaviors of others. This is why we ask that you stand in unity with sexual violence survivors and wear jeans on Denim Day. This statement is a protest of the harmful attitudes surrounding sexual violence. Victim blaming is extremely damaging to those who have experienced such traumas because it discredits what they went through. This oppressive tactic can also lead to a lack of resolution for survivors. When justice goes unserved there is no comfort or closure for victims of this abuse.
What is victim blaming? Well, it can come in many forms. There is one form that many of us have heard and that was used against the Italian woman who was blamed for her “tight jeans.”
It goes, “Well, maybe if you weren’t wearing THAT, then nothing would have happened.” We often find victim-blamers to find any excuse as to why survivors deserved it, and no question as to why abusers did it. In reality, it is not the fault of the person who was assaulted but the one perpetrating such heinous acts. Clothes, amount of drinks, and any other excuse that people can make up should NEVER be used to justify these non-consensual, abusive violations of another person’s body and being.
Flirting is not consent.
Drinking is not consent.
Dating is not consent.
Kissing is not consent.
Silence is not consent.
Victim blaming has got to go! Join us by wearing Denim on April 24th to show allyship with victims of sexual violence, who have been silenced and blamed.
We believe you. We are here for you.
Family Services - Help is available.
Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline
559-732- 5941 or 800-448- 2044
Rape Crisis 24-Hour Hotline
Visalia: 559-732- 7273 or Porterville: 559-784-7273
For information on how to connect with Family Services' other programs and services, please call us at 559-741- 7310.