"Thanks for Giving" Mum Sale Delivery Day
It’s that time of year again! Every November, Family Services sells chrysanthemum plants to support our mission to help children, adults, and families heal from violence and thrive in healthy relationships. The blooming plants come in foil-wrapped pots and make wonderful outdoor decorations or host/hostess gifts during the Thanksgiving season. They can also be planted to enjoy throughout the year.
There are two ways to get involved:
1. Become a mum sales site: Get your business, organization, or service club involved by taking pre-orders and collecting payment. It's easy! Download our 2017 Mum Kit, collect orders and payment, then fax or email us your order form by Friday, November 10. As long as you order six or more plants, our volunteers will deliver them to you on Wednesday, November 15. Download your mum kit at www.fstc.net/mums.
2. NEW! Order online: Not part of a mum sales site but still want to purchase? Place your online order now for pickup at our administration office on Thursday, November 16. Go to www.fstc.net/mums to place your order.
Please contact Erica Tootle at erica.tootle@fstc.net or 559-732-1970 with any questions. Thank you for your support!